God's Will Be Done Ministry

Trials and Perseverance

Trials and Perseverance

—> October 2-8, 2007 – 6 days at the Hospital

— Ptr. Elmer and Dayen at Siliman Medical Hospital with there son Shem. Shem had stomach problems. After many different types of tests and examinations, it was determined that he had food in his intestines that had not been digested well. The doctor had to put a camera hose through his mouth. Shem is doing well now. Praise God for providing for there needs.

—> October 6, 2007 – Motorcycle Accident

— They were hit by the side mirror of a vehicle that had overtaken them. Leonila suffered minor injuries and was confined at the hospital for over a day. Jevear one of the worship leaders at CC Ticala only had minor cuts and bruieses along with Jelyn one of our students at TICP.

—> October 16, 2007 – Waking up to fire

— Early this morning, the boarding house that pastor Gilbert was sleeping at burned down. He woke up to the fire alarm at about 4am. All of his things in room was burned. He is doing fine.